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बिहार, भारत की कला, संस्कृति और साहित्य.......Art, Culture and Literature of Bihar, India ..... E-mail: editorbejodindia@gmail.com / अपनी सामग्री को ब्लॉग से डाउनलोड कर सुरक्षित कर लें.

# DAILY QUOTE # -"हर भले आदमी की एक रेल होती है/ जो माँ के घर तक जाती है/ सीटी बजाती हुई / धुआँ उड़ाती हुई"/ Every good man has a rail / Which goes to his mother / Blowing wistles / Making smokes [– आलोक धन्वा, विख्यात कवि की एक पूर्ण कविता / A full poem by Alok Dhanwa, Renowned poet]

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Saturday 4 February 2017

'Bhana Gangnath' Played in Patna on 03.02.2017: 'भाना गंगनाथ' का 03.02.2017 को पटना में मंचन

Bhana Gangnath (drama) in Patliputra Rang Mahotsav
in Kalidas Rangalay, Gandhi Maidan, Patna 

Story: A prince is born in a royal family after a long wait. He is a lovable though headstrong type of person. Just as he grows up he is coronated as the king. He sees Bhana, a belle and falls in love with her at first sight. Living behind everything, he sets off to a journey in her search. He has to fight demons and later he turns to an ascetic. Bhana sees him and gets hooked to his divine charm. Seeing both of them sharing good times together, the villagers are infuriated. As they take this as an assault on their prestige, they calls for a meeting and resolve to kill this loving couple . The pretty girl Bhana is killed along with her saint lover. Because of this sin, many villagers become lunatic and begin to die. They go to a hermit who advises them to worship Bhana and her lover as God. They follow suit and are freed from persistent troubles caused by the Nature.

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