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बिहार, भारत की कला, संस्कृति और साहित्य.......Art, Culture and Literature of Bihar, India ..... E-mail: editorbejodindia@gmail.com / अपनी सामग्री को ब्लॉग से डाउनलोड कर सुरक्षित कर लें.

# DAILY QUOTE # -"हर भले आदमी की एक रेल होती है/ जो माँ के घर तक जाती है/ सीटी बजाती हुई / धुआँ उड़ाती हुई"/ Every good man has a rail / Which goes to his mother / Blowing wistles / Making smokes [– आलोक धन्वा, विख्यात कवि की एक पूर्ण कविता / A full poem by Alok Dhanwa, Renowned poet]

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Thursday 16 February 2017

रोमियो-जूलिएट - एच एम टी द्वारा पटना में 15.02.2017 को मंचन (Romeo-Juliet - played by HMT in Patna on 15.02.2017)

           युवा रोमियो और किशोरी जुलिएट को एक दूसरे से पहली ही नजर में प्यार हो जाता है. दोनो के परिवारों में वशानुगत शत्रुता रहती है और अंतत: दोनो अपनी जान दे देते हैं. तब जाकर दोनो परिवार की आँखें खुलती है पर तब तक बहुत देर हो चुकी होती है. 
     In a fitting finale of Valentine’s day festivity, Suresh Kumar Hajju of HMT (Hajju Musical Theatre, Patna) presented on 15th Feb, 2017 a legendary play of Shakespeare ‘Romeo Juliet at Premchand Rangshala, Patna. Romeo is diehard romantic dapper and Juliet is a damsel whose splendor of youthfulness has just started to blossom. Both are from well-to-do though fiercely hostile families. The whole play surrounds around their natural attraction and love for each other and the fatal destiny they reach. Though in the climax, both antagonistic clans learn that they were erring by keeping enmity for each other mindlessly. Till then, all of their most cherished progenies have to leave this mundane world unfortunately in their very first flush of youth.

           Musician Dularchand Azad with Rahul Raj and Lighting of Raushan with Rahul worked well. The innovative aspect of the play was the fusion of oriental and occidental ingredients of culture. The western clad character folds hand in ‘namaskar mudra’ while greeting his guest in a totally western outset. Moreover the play derecognizes the temporal boundary of civilization level when Romeo waves a mobile phone in his hand for talking with his men. The performance was deliberately made love-scene galore to a level which shows very strong nerves of HMT aligned with it’s declared commitment for transformation of theatre towards a monetarily paying venture. Suresh Kumar Hazzu, his team and the organization HMT must be applauded for their exceptional kind of boldness that can only be shown by them. And last but not the least the group of neophyte actors especially the ones who played Juliet, Romeo, priest and others should also get their compliments for their dashing efforts. I am putting my hands together and extol all of them. Ticket of Rs. 100/= was worthily spent.


Director of 'HMT (Hajju Musical Theatre) Suresh Kr. Hazzu (Left) with Sunil Bihari(Right)  of 'Raga'

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