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# DAILY QUOTE # -"हर भले आदमी की एक रेल होती है/ जो माँ के घर तक जाती है/ सीटी बजाती हुई / धुआँ उड़ाती हुई"/ Every good man has a rail / Which goes to his mother / Blowing wistles / Making smokes [– आलोक धन्वा, विख्यात कवि की एक पूर्ण कविता / A full poem by Alok Dhanwa, Renowned poet]

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Sunday 7 May 2017

अंगिका गीत - Sudhir Kumar Programmer (Angika song with poetic English translation)

Sudhir Kumar Programmer / सुधीर कुमार प्रोग्रामर (renowned poet in Agnikand and Hindi)

(translation will be corrected)

देखलों बहार एंगना घूमी - घूमी
गाबै हमरो बिहार हो झूमी - झूमी।
In every home happiness is ringing
Our whole Bihar is singing and swinging

विक्रमशिला के गाथा, अपरमपार जी
समुन्दर के मही देलकै, पर्वत मंदार जी
The story of Vikramshila is superb, you learn
 Mandar mountain had made the sea churn

बुद्ध के दुआर देहरी चूमी - चूमी-2
गाबो महिमा बिहार के झूमी-झूमी।
Kiss Buddha's doors, pios upbringing
Our whole Bihar is singing and swinging

विद्यापति जी हमरो, मैथली महान जी
भोजपुरी गीत - गाथा, भिखारी के शान जी 
Vidyapati is our great Maithil poet
Like Bhojpuri's Bhikhari, no one is yet

नेपाली के गीत गाबो आमि तुमि-2
अंग अंगिका सुनाबो हो झूमी-झूमी।
With our toung's, Nepali's songs clinging
Listening to Agnika songs we are now swinging

साईकिल पे चिडियां नाकी, चहकै बहिनियाँ
हमरो विकास देखी, चौकै छै दुनियां
 Like birds, on bicycle, girls are tweeting 
Seeing our development, whole world is greeting

नालंदा में लोग आबै जूमी-जूमी-2
गाबै हमरो बिहार हो झूमी-झूमी।
In Nalanda, people come thronging
Our whole Bihar is singing and swinging.

-Original poem in Angika by Sudhir Kumar Programmer
Poetic English translation by Hemant Das 'Him'

INTRODUCTION: Sudhir Kumar Programmer is a renowned personality in contemporary Angika poetry. His language is lucid and has a sense of optimism towards life. He has represented Angika literature in a number of events organised in which poets of different languages were invited. He has a definite political inclination though he never allowed the political motives to overpower his purely constructive pursuits.

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