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# DAILY QUOTE # -"हर भले आदमी की एक रेल होती है/ जो माँ के घर तक जाती है/ सीटी बजाती हुई / धुआँ उड़ाती हुई"/ Every good man has a rail / Which goes to his mother / Blowing wistles / Making smokes [– आलोक धन्वा, विख्यात कवि की एक पूर्ण कविता / A full poem by Alok Dhanwa, Renowned poet]

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Friday 2 February 2018

Filumchi staged 'Balconi-2' in Patna on 30.1.2018 (हिन्दी में कथा-सार के साथ)

A marvelous display of togetherness 

Michael D'Souza is retrenched from his job because of recession. But his wife Anna comes to her with all of her support. Later on she herself joins a job to meet the economic need of the family. Michael initially shows his typical tantrums of a skeptic and jealous husband though soon comes to terms. Still, while coping to the difficult situation and loneliness at home he falls ill. His brother and sister come to house and show the postures of help outwardly. Transpiring their internal apathy Anna forbids her husband of taking any help from them. Ultimately even Anna is fired from the job. The family look dejected but moves along with their sheer trust, togetherness and optimism. The whole serious story is riveted with bunches of humorous happening

Capt Mohan Singh Rawat has prepared a wonderful script for 'Balconi-2'. The dialogues were very terse and came forth in a natural manner still they contained so much of humour that nobody could resist to laugh. The actors were senior as most of them  in their late 50s but this seemed to be a boon rather than a bane. The experience counts and that is why they were able to sail through this comedy play reaching the destination. The facial expression, the body language, the pitch and tempo of the dialogue delivery were matchless on several yardsticks.

 Mohan Singh Rawat's capability in direction was also quite visible as he used the stage floor very judiciously. There were scenes in which almost the whole width of the floor was covered, that too homogeneously and surprisingly merely by three actors. The light composoition showed its niche proficiency casting focus exactly on the centre of movements and sound system was flawless. The intermittent audio backstage footage in form of radio news was a feast for comedy-lovers. People literally laughed on every bite of news from the backstage radio play.  Yes, the pace had some issues but all the other factors in the presentation were so dominant that the whole play emerged as a brilliant show of virtuoso repertory. 

The on-stage artists were Capt. Mohan Singh Rawat, Sushma Sinha, Upendra Singh, Itu Ghosh, Krishna etc supported from  backstage by Shailesh Jammuar, Rizawannulah, Aditi Verma, Sonu Gupta, Pravyanshu, Anshu Priya and Sanjay Singh. Also Set-design, Sound system and Lights were by Shiv Kr. Sharma, Rajkumar, Upendra and Sunil Sharma. 
[कथा-सार: माइकल डिसुजा की नौकरी मंदी के दौर में चली जाती है. पत्नी अन्ना घर पर उसका हौसला बढ़ाती है और खुद नौकरी करने लगती है. शुरू में तो माइकल अपनी पत्नी पर शक करता है लेकिन धीरे-धीरे वह पत्नी की भली भावना को समझ लेता है. लेकिन घर में अकेलापन महसूस करने के  कारण बीमार पड़ जाता है. उसके भाई और बहन उसकी मदद करने आते हैं लेकिन सिर्फ ऊपरी मन से. उनकी अंदरूनी उदासीनता को भाँपते ही अन्ना उनसे सहायता लेने को अपने पति को रोकती है. आगे चलकर अन्ना की नौकरी भी चली जाती है. फिर भी वे आपसी विश्वास, मेल और आशावादिता के साथ आगे बढ़ते हैं.]
Review by - Hemant Das 'Him'
Photographs by - Hemant 'Him'
E-mail - hemantdas_2001@yahoo.com
Response can also be sent to - editorbiharidhamaka@yahoo.com
Note- Pictures of later scene could not be captured because of failure of camera device.

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