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बिहार, भारत की कला, संस्कृति और साहित्य.......Art, Culture and Literature of Bihar, India ..... E-mail: editorbejodindia@gmail.com / अपनी सामग्री को ब्लॉग से डाउनलोड कर सुरक्षित कर लें.

# DAILY QUOTE # -"हर भले आदमी की एक रेल होती है/ जो माँ के घर तक जाती है/ सीटी बजाती हुई / धुआँ उड़ाती हुई"/ Every good man has a rail / Which goes to his mother / Blowing wistles / Making smokes [– आलोक धन्वा, विख्यात कवि की एक पूर्ण कविता / A full poem by Alok Dhanwa, Renowned poet]

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Friday 8 July 2016

Pandeji Ke Patara - a stage performance (पाण्डे जी के पतरा - नाटक का मंचन)

Played at Kalidas Rangalaya /  Patna on 07.07.2016 / Language: Maghi
Directed by Kumar Manav / Written by Abhimanyu Prasad Maurya
Presented by Ahsas Kalakriti, Patna (Bihar, India)

Folk arts including the dialectical literature can not be discounted absolutely in view of it's hold and understanding of region-specific social ailments. The play 'Pandeji Ke Patara' makes a direct assault on the menace of superstition pervading in the parochial set up of typical Magadh area. The priest christened as Pandeji is able to manage a great influence on the superstitious populace of his area by creating havoc about ominous effects of disobedience to astrological propositions. And he is able to earn a good amount of money by terrifying the meek people referring to religious quotes. Ultimately when he reveals the actual vapidity of these religious announcements the whole things become clear. The fact he uttered before his own son becomes eye-opener to the people at large.

Performance was marvelous and the director, playwright, actors all did their job well. Shri Abhimanyu Pd. Maurya is a veteran writer of Maghi and some nine books have been published from him. He is a professor in Patna and this play has already been published by the title 'Pandeji ke Patara'. He also told that approx. one hundred shows of the play has been performed mostly in interior areas of Our applauds to him and the whole team of Kumar Manav.

Actors were Sarvind, Kumar Manav, Sunita bharti, Bijay Kr. Sinha, Om Kapoor, Aparajita Nath, Ashwani Kumar, Prithwiraj Paswan, Bhuwaneshwar Kumar.
(Send suggestion to hemantdas_2001@yahoo.com)

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