
Friday 29 November 2013

Bihari Flagship - 1

Bihari Flagship # 1
चोरचंक  = चोर की तरह चौकन्ना रहना
अगर commercial advertisements के अलावा TV पर तुम कुछ और भी देखना चाहते हो तो हमेशा चोरचंक रहना होगा। 

  Share  में पैसा लगाया है तो हमेशा चोरचंक  रहो।  
Disclaimer : Word-meanings  are  based on personal observation. Writer of the post does not claim veracity of the word-meanings  shown above.


Sunday 10 November 2013

You don't know ( Humorous poem )

You don’t know to love
But you marry, despite.
You know no English
But you write.                          

You have no strength
But you fight.
You came to the door
And situation is tight.

There is nothing there
But you throw light.

You are mad for the sun

It’s night.

You don't remember what you said
But you know you are right.
You tie yourself to someone

And be aired as if a kite.


(- Hemant ‘Him’)